Podcast Potluck

$ 5.00

Join Michelle in this casual potluck dinner where we discuss the Hidden Brain podcast episode "How to Break Out of a Rut" which is relevant for lots of us whether artists or not. Plan to listen to the podcast ahead of time and bring topics and thoughts to discuss, like a book club but more accessible and with only one podcast episode! Bring a dish to share for this casual and inclusive event. Trader Joe’s salads, pre-made, handmade, anything is welcome.We will all sit down inside the front shop area at Gather Goods Co in downtown Cary and eat together and discuss. Fun!

This potluck is hosted inside on Monday March 11th from 6pm-8pm.

Please do not reserve a ticket if you aren't going to be able to come. Space is limited and that takes away from people who actually will be able to.

You can listen to the podcast here: https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/you-2-0-how-to-break-out-of-a-rut/